Friday, October 30, 2015


The fall season has arrived, although it still feels like summer!  The women’s Bible Study group that I belong to has started back up after being on hiatus for the summer.   This season the women’s study has taken on a kind of new theme:  Get Real.   Within our separate groups, we each had to describe what our “selfie” would look like if we snapped a shot in our real life, everyday routine, or something we do that represents our current life.   Some of the women said they would be in a t-shirt and sweatpants sitting in front of their computer or sporting their workout clothes at the gym.  Another said she’d be in the kitchen because she loves to cook and another said she’d be in her car since she’s driving all the time.  When it came my turn to describe my selfie, I didn’t have to give it much thought!  That was an easy question to answer!  My selfie would be a photo of me ‘rolling with my suitcase’ because since the beginning of summer, I’ve been living like a Nomad staying a couple of months here and a couple of months there with my friends.   One of the gals in my group put a positive spin on it and said, “I’m carrying my suitcase of joy from place to place.”  The first visual that popped in my head was Mary Poppins.  Lol!   But, the words she said really touched me.  It was such a beautiful way of looking at my circumstances.  I don’t know the greater plan that God has for my future, but right now he’s giving me the opportunity to spread His Joy!   Although, honestly, I don’t always feel joyful in my situation, but for the most part, I’ve been taking it all in stride and keeping a positive attitude, because I know my circumstances are temporary.  For, I know that amazing things are just around the corner!  

Psalm 16:11 You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. 

Funny,  the summer months, I was doing my own Bible study and the week’s lesson, prior to starting back at Bible Study, was all about Joy!   The lesson was titled:  The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength.    Then, the following Sunday at church, the preachers message was about finding Joy.  Not a coincidence!   I love it when God does that!  That’s God’s way of speaking to me and confirming that my Joy needs to be replenished.   God knows my heart, hears my thoughts, sees my circumstances, and knows exactly when I need His comfort and encouragement.   He definitely got my attention!  

The Joy that comes from the Lord, is not a feeling or an emotion, but it’s a Joy that’s within.  It’s an inner strength, and inner peace.   It’s more of a knowing than a feeling.  Does that make sense?   It’s a Joy that you can have even when your life seems to be going nowhere or it’s been turned upside down, or when your circumstances seem so much greater than what you can handle….. but, in all the chaos and uncertainty, you have a peace that is beyond understanding, because you know it’s all going to be okay.  Why?  Because Christ remains in me and my Joy comes from Him.   Jesus says in John 15:11 I have told you this so that My Joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.  -   Jesus IS joy and he’s the Giver of joy.   Even the psalmist David, knew his joy came from the Lord.  In his agony and shame he cries out to the Lord. - Psalm 51:12  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. 

What does it mean, the Joy of the Lord is my strength?   I use to think that my strength is because I have joy in knowing that Jesus in my Lord and Savior.  But, my strength is not of’s the strength that Jesus had that enabled him to endure the suffering he went through at Calvary.  What gave Jesus strength, was seeing the joy on the other side, the joy of him being united with his Father (God) and the joy of knowing that we too can spend eternity with God, because of the cross.   Now that’s strength!!   His joy is the source of my strength!

Hebrews 12:2,3 For the joy set before him, Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. 

So, whatever your Joy looks like, whether it comes in a suitcase, a jar, a pocket…..whatever metaphor relates to your life, I believe our world needs more Joy.  We all live in our own little sphere in this massive world where we can make a difference by spreading the Joy that comes from the Lord.