Thursday, October 1, 2009

God is in Everything

I’ve been posting my favorite movie lines on Facebook. It’s been kind of fun waiting to see who can guess which movie the line is from. Some of my favorites are: “You have bewitched me body and soul.” – Pride & Prejudice, “You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.” “I am a writer, I give the truth scope!” – Knights Tale, “I always love finding new places to wear diamonds.” – Gentleman Prefer Blondes. Such great lines! One that I just recently posted is from The Count of Monte Cristo – “God is in everything…even a kiss.” I am so moved by that line, especially, in the context of the film. Here is a man who has given up on God, and after much suffering he is reunited with the love of his life. She says to him that God has given us a second chance, and the Count replies with unbelief, “Can I never get away from Him?” She caresses his face and gently says, “God is in everything…even a kiss” and then she kisses him. Now that’s romantic! It’s so beautiful and yet such a profound statement. God is love and a kiss is an expression of love. I remember the first time I watched the film and heard that line. It took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes, as it is doing now as I write this.

Psalm 139 - Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

God is in everything. This quote made me think of an experience last year when my mother and I were in Scotland for a month visiting my grandmother and family. We had been shopping all day in downtown Glasgow. We got on the bus to head back to my Uncle’s home. The bus was packed with people on their way home from their day of work. It started raining outside. Bucketing down! The bus windows were steaming up inside. The passengers were all so serious and seemed to be in their own thoughts, not very cheerful looking. I’m sure tired from a long day of work. I think my mother and I were the only two talking to each other and laughing. We were driving on a long stretch of road that had grassy hills on either side. As the rain let up, my mother and I looked outside the window and we saw a huge rainbow in the sky. It wasn’t just half of a rainbow, but we could actually see one end of the rainbow all the way to the other end. It was breathtaking. It painted the entire sky. I’ve never seen a rainbow that massive. We both looked at each other as tears welled up in our eyes, and smiled. We were both thinking the same thing. My mother said, “and that’s God’s way of reminding us of His promise that he will never flood the earth again.” We both at that moment felt God’s overwhelming love. I looked around at all the miserable faces and leaned over to my mom and said, “I think we are the only ones who see it.” We kind of chuckled, and I said, “Well, they probably see this everyday and think nothing of it.”

I’m sure some of the folk must have thought that we were two crazy American’s getting all excited over a rainbow, and yet if they only could see what we saw, and felt what we felt. Recognizing God’s magnificent creation and His way of expressing His love to us. It was as if God was kissing us on the cheek.

Psalm 8:3&4 When I consider your heavens, the work of your finger, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him…


  1. This is great Rhoshan! It really made my day to read this. :)

  2. are awesome...i love the step of faith your taking by writing and posting your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love the blog Rhoshan. I really like this story. I felt the same way once when I was flying and saw a rainbow about 35,000 ft in the air. I remembered that it was God's promise to us that he would never again flood the entire earth and I felt like it was just for me. I felt God's presence so close to me that day and I've never forgotten it. Keep up the blog. I love it!

